
This Quickstart guide describe how to install a very basic Tanit configuration to get you up and and running with Tanit very quickly.


You can perform the installation steps in a single machine.

Install Tanit

The installation is quick and straightforward.

# Tanit needs a configuration directory, /etc/tanit/conf is the default,
# but you can lay foundation somewhere else if you prefer
# (optional)
export TANIT_CONF_DIR="/etc/tanit/conf"

# install from pypi using pip
pip install tanit


The master and master service needs a configuration file ‘tanit.conf’ to be created under TANIT_CONF_DIR.

A very basic configuration for a single machine cluster:

bind_address =
worker-service_address = localhost:9091
client-service_address = localhost:9090
thrift_threads = 25

bind_address =
bind_port = 9093


In the above example both the master and worker configurations are merged within a single file, because the master and worker services will be running in the same machine.

Start the master

tanit master

The above wil start the master process attached to the current shell, you can run the process in the background and use nohup to attach it to init, for instance :

nohup tanit master > tanit-master.log 2>&1 &

Start the worker

tanit worker

Or you can also run the worker as background process :

nohup tanit worker > tanit-worker.log 2>&1 &

Upon a successful start of the worker service, the master will output the below log lines:

INFO        Registering new Worker [ tanit-worker-hostname-9093 ].
INFO        Worker [ tanit-worker-hostname-9093 ] registered.
INFO        Activating Worker [ tanit-worker-hostname-9093 ]
INFO        Transitioning worker from state ALIVE to ACTIVE
INFO        Worker [ tanit-worker-hostname-9093 ] Activated
INFO        Registering new filesystem [ local:hostname ].
INFO        Registered filesystem 'local:hostname'
INFO        Filesystem [ local:hostname ] registered.

In the above example ‘hostname’ refer to the hostname of the machine, that you get by running hostname in linux.

List Workers

You can use the Tanit command line tool to verify that the worker have been properly registered :

[root@edge /]# tanit workers list
INFO        Instantiated configuration from /etc/tanit/conf/tanit.conf.
Worker { id: tanit-worker-hostname-9093, address: hostname, port: 9093}
[root@edge /]#
[root@edge /]# tanit workers status tanit-worker-hostname-9093
INFO        Instantiated configuration from /etc/tanit/conf/tanit.conf.
WorkerStats { id: tanit-worker-hostname-9093, state: ACTIVE, last_heartbeat: 01112020160116, running_tasks: 0, pending_tasks: 0, available_cores: 4 }

Register your first Filesystem

You can use the tanit command line tool to register filesystems :

tanit filesystems register "{ \"name\": \"s3-test-bucket\", \"type\": \"s3\", \"bucket\" : \"kraken-test\" }"

Run your first Tanit job

tanit jobs submit { \"type\": \"COPY\", \"params\": { \"src\": \"s3-test-bucket\", \"dst\": \"local:edge\", \"src_path\": "/some_source_path\", \"dest_path\": "some_destination_path\"} }